Oxleas Children’s Development Centre
Providing interior design services to Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust with our design associates Sam and Will Boex.
Starting with co-design workshops Sam and Will led a workshop with some of the children, young people, clinicians and staff of the current children’s services. A wishlist was built up of inspiration and ideas about how the new interiors might look and created a collection of mixed media leaf inspired shapes, textures and brushstrokes.
This foundation allowed the design team to emulate the feeling of nature within the hospital environment. Implementing a scheme with touch points that leverage the benefits of biophilia to bring a sense of health and wellbeing to the children’s experience.
Working collaboratively with illustrator Rose Darling, the workshop ideas and paintings were developed into graphics that could be incorporated into the interior design. Additionally artist Jan Blake developed a stunning leaf mobile in the new atrium. Light shines through the gently moving leaves to produce a wonderfully calming environment, setting the scene for patients as soon as they arrive.